Greetings, fellow internet explorer! You've just stumbled upon my website, so allow me to introduce myself with pleasure.
My name is Adrian, a passionate and dedicated Romanian computer science student who also works as a Senior DevOps Engineer.
Now, let's dive into the essentials! I possess extensive experience in a diverse array of technologies and fields, which include:
- Proficiency in Python and Bash scripting
- Expertise in automating cloud deployment using Ansible and Terraform
- Skilled in Linux administration
- Experience in penetration testing
- Knowledge of vulnerability scanning
- Familiarity with containerization through Docker and Kubernetes
- Competence in Azure, GCP, and OCI platforms
For a more comprehensive overview of my background and skills, feel free to peruse my resume.
Aside from my professional pursuits, I have developed a deep-seated passion for astrophysics, cosmology, and science in general. My curiosity continually pushes me to explore the wonders of the cosmos and unravel the mysteries of our universe.